Why IV Vitamin Therapy?
IV vitamin therapy delivers high doses of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in combinations to help support a variety of conditions including sleep, immunity, hydration and much more.
We often use IV vitamin therapy as part of comprehensive treatment protocols and use it to address a variety of conditions.
There are many types of IVs, each with a specific focus. For example, an IV-Myers contains water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C. We use this IV therapy to help patients who get frequent colds. Those preparing for a sporting event or recovering from surgery also see a great improvement with this IV. As a complementary treatment in cancer patients, we use high doses of IV Vitamin C alternating with IV Lipoic Acid. To boost the immune system in neurological conditions IV Glutathione helps because of its strong antioxidant properties. This IV therapy is also useful in lightening the skin tone and thus it is used in skin conditions. In individuals with heavy metals, IV chelation is our treatment of choice. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease in patients with diabetes. IV Amino acids can be used to help with sleep problems and anxiety.
Patients with digestive problems can have a difficult time getting nutrients from their diet. Prolonged use of medications and a long history of diseases can also create deficiencies. Sometimes the best of oral supplements cannot correct this, leading to slow healing. Therefore IV therapy is one of the fastest ways to balance vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.
IV drip therapy improves overall wellness by providing 100% of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to:
- Improve immune health
- Boost energy levels
- Improve symptoms of depression
- Improve anxiety
- Improve mental clarity and cognitive function
- Reduce the symptoms of migraines
- Improve symptoms of asthma
- Improve allergies
- Combat fatigue
- Accelerate wound healing
- Maintain the strength of muscles and tissues
- …and much more