beyond common back pain
Picture this: You’re at your friend’s house helping them renovate their kitchen, and they ask you to help them move the fridge. You bend over to prepare to lift the fridge. Your knees are slightly bent and your back is completely rounded, and you have a look of fear in your eyes as you haven’t lifted anything this heavy in 6 years. You give the lift everything you’ve got, and next thing you know you’re laying on the ground with a strained back. Your first thought- I need a chiropractor- CORRECT.
Now picture this: You’ve been constantly suffering from migraines. It seems like for hours a day your brain is thumping against the side of your skull and you can’t seem to shake the pain. The migraines are causing you to miss work, miss daily chores, and are now forcing you to miss the activities you love. Your first thought- I need a doctor- INCORRECT.
In both the scenarios above, a chiropractic treatment may be the solution to your problems. Contrary to common belief, chiropractic treatments aren’t just for common back pain, as they can be used to treat a variety of issues with the human body. A chiropractor focuses on manipulating the spine- one of the most integral structures in the human body. Aside from supporting the head and keeping the body upright, the spine also contains the spinal cord- the nerve superhighway of the body. All signals, muscle commands, and sensor feedback travels through the spinal cord meaning a fully healthy and functional spine is necessary for normal life.
Many functional body issues people face everyday travel through or have to do with the spine, meaning chiropractic treatments may be able to ease or even solve these issues. Although your bodily issue may have nothing to do with your back, chances are your spinal cord is involved. Seeing a chiropractor at North Shore Wellness Centre may be exactly what you need, as a few quick adjustments to your spine can cause a few positive, drastic changes to your way of life.