From June 10th to June 17th, one of our Registered Massage Therapists, Danielle Tabo visited Sedona, Arizona. Whilst she was there, Dani explored the hot desert terrain, here are a few of the hikes she went on…
[Figure 1] – Bell Rock Trail (Sedona, Arizona)Here you can see Dani on Bell Rock, which has an elevation of 4 919 ft at it’s summit. A popular hike in Sedona… Bell Rock is located in the Central-North of Sedona and is made up of sedimentary rock [Figure 1]. At Bell Rock, Dani was able to find a Geocache journal tucked into one of the crevasses [Figure 2]. This hike is extremely popular amongst tourists for its vortexes. At Bell Rock, the vortex is of male origin; the male vortexes are known for their power to create a will for healthy boundaries in people. This is excellent for bodily healing, reduced stress, and overall energy.
[Figure 2] – Danielle Tabo (RMT) with a Geo-Cache she found in Sedona, Arizona
Dani was also lucky enough to hike the Brins Mesa Trail which reaches an elevation of 600 ft and is roughly 2.5 km in length [Figure 3].
[Figure 3] – Brins Mesa Trail (Sedona, Arizona)
On her trip, Dani was also able to take advantage of Sedona’s Jeep Tours! Recognized for it’s presence of vortices, the Jeep Tour took Dani to explore the sacred earth and medicine ground in the old earth of Sedona, Arizona [Figure 4].
[Figure 4] – Jeep Tour (Sedona, Arizona)On her tour, Dani visited Devil’s Bridge, which is the largest natural stone arch in Sedona. It is about 1.3 km long at an elevation of 350 ft. [Figure 5] This hike is equivalent to our very own Grouse Grind in North Vancouver!