Are your worries affecting your ability to engage fully and enjoy life? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope? Sometimes the coping strategies which we habitually turn to are not supportive of our lifestyles and relationships. Professional counseling services can help. We believe you have the capacity for wellness and that your experiences are deeply personal and relevant. Counselling provides an opportunity for self-discovery, a space where you are accepted and heard, where you can explore historical patterns, identify goals and move toward desired change.
Why now?Some people come to counseling because of:
- Feeling sad, negative or depressed
- Needing to boost one’s self esteem
- Wanting to change patterns of anxiety, fears
- Patterns or behaviours that have become destructive, obsessive or compulsive
- Having trouble with relationships
Taking the step to meet with a counselor can be frightening and also empowering. You have been courageous enough to want to address a problem, and are now trusting that a professional will support you. As the client, you will set the pace initially. We will work together to determine goals and how to meet them. Sessions are typically 60 minutes.
Treatment areas include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grief and Loss
- Stress
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Life transitions
- Chronic pain and illness management
- Work burn-out
- Family and relationship difficulties
- Brain injury recovery
- Anger management
- Couples
- Families
In our treatment, we are also experienced in working with a wide range of allied health and community providers, which include family physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, teachers, and occupational therapists.
We also welcome referrals related to emotional difficulties resulting from motor vehicle accidents (i.e. ICBC claims).