Working in private practice since 1982, Philippa Bruce is passionate about helping people return to full pain-free function and enjoys treating patients with a range of challenges.
Graduating as a physiotherapist from the Otago School of Physiotherapy in New Zealand in 1979, she completed her Canadian Diploma in Manipulative Therapy in 1988 and her Certificate in Medical Acupuncture in 1998. Philippa has taken Integrated Systems Model (Lee and Lee) and ConnectTherapy™ (Lee) courses plus Visceral Manipulation courses with the Barral Institute.
Philippa’s training and experience give her the ability to successfully treat a wide variety of clients including the gardener who has difficulty bending or squatting and the athlete who wants to feel freedom in their body while improving performance. She is dedicated to finding the underlying cause of the pain/dysfunction which means she takes into consideration all past experiences and their impact on the body- mechanical, physiological, emotional, psychological.
Philippa is active with hiking, gardening, cycling, skiing, and loves to explore the world through travel.