Canadian Sports Massage Therapy Association (Certification Candidate)

The body is the ultimate compensator; it will create and allow you to move throughout your day, often to the detriment of the rest of your body. This compensation results in many soft tissue, joint related dysfunctions, and pain that brings clients in for massage therapy. Adam uses his knowledge of anatomy and movement to get to the root of your injuries and then works to determine a treatment plan that will get you back to optimal function. This treatment plan includes massage therapy and home-care exercises, often working with other healthcare professionals within the North Shore Wellness Centre to use a multi-faceted approach for your issue or injury.
Educational Background
Adam completed his massage therapy training at the Vancouver School of Massage Therapy in downtown Vancouver. During his training there, he worked with a wide variety of populations including athletes, seniors, CNS/PNS disorders, acute/chronic injuries and pregnancy. Since that time, he has been an active learner through many areas of practice including various Myofascial Release techniques and Sports Massage therapy. Adam is currently a certification candidate with the Canadian Sports Massage Therapy Association and is planning on writing his national exams in 2018.
Areas of Treatment
As an avid athlete himself, Adam often works with athletes on a daily basis. His client base is varied, ranging from players in the WHL, NHL, CFL, and MLS, to national level youth athletes competing in karate, soccer, swimming and cycling. This wide scope of clientele has allowed him to gain a keen understanding of working with athletes and helping them during their training blocks, as well as pre/post event.
In addition to this work, Adam enjoys working with all of his active and adventurous clients that call the North Shore home. From clients who are recovering from an MVA, to dealing with chronic pain or neurological issues, his patients make work an opportunity to grow and learn every day.
Personal History
While training for a 120 km ultramarathon in Italy, Adam started seeking RMT treatment each week to manage the aches and pains associated with high-mileage trail running. He was astonished at how great his body would feel and recover following his treatments. Given his daily use and abuse of his body, he decided to look into massage therapy as a profession more closely in order to understand how he could help and optimize the way his body moved and recovered from long training efforts. With the North Shore as his backyard, Adam managed to train and race throughout his massage therapy training and has now completed two 100 mile races, a 93 mile circumnavigation of Mt. Rainer on the Wonderland Trail, and several dozen other ultra-distance races and runs. When not running, Adam enjoys time on the Shore with his fiancé and their 1-year old dog, Cooper.